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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Cherry Flavored Dolldelight Fashion Show


Hi everyone, 

      Sorry I am a day late! I have gotten swept up in post Renn Faire decompression.  But I digress, lets talk Cherry Blossoms! Monterey Park just had their Cherry Blossom Festival in Barnes Park. They had food vendors, life performances, and crafts. Cherry Blossom viewing or Hanami, is the practice of watching Cherry Blossoms, usually while on a picnic of some sort with, food, sake, snacks, sandwiches, various pan, sweets, popcorn , ect...Its a wondrous event combining nature, friends and food. 
     This was my second year at the event and modeling for Dolldelight! I was so excited to see Cyril's new line, and I was blessed to wear this:

     I LOVE the Hanbok inspired neckline! Cyril was excited I got it reference. She said she was looking to try some different necklines and voila! Beauty incarnate. This skirt is 6 layers of long cotton lace on an A-Line skirt. I became a marshmallow in my heart that day, covered in a raspberry and chocolate wig.

     There was a Harajuku fashion show opening for Dolldelight too, It included styles from Cyril and my friends personal outfits. So Kawaii! Here are my fave pics from the fashion show, Behind the scenes that is.

 Cyril and Head Model Stephanie. A rare shot backstage.
 Too kawaii for (Harajuku) School
 My friend Sara displaying fabulousness, while embodying Raja.
I even got to see Chocolate Covered Cosplay! I love that they support me, and we support each other
The benefits of having Queens for friends

 Speaking of support Deanna^^^Has an article on Black Girl Nerds for her new comic: Cosmic Song.

I'll be back to food and recipes next week. I got something special for you next week ;)
Till Next Time ;)

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